How to use enum values with Joi String validation How to use enum values with Joi String validation express express

How to use enum values with Joi String validation

You can use valid.

const schema = Joi.object().keys({  type: Joi.string().valid('ios', 'android'),});const myObj = { type: 'none' };const result = Joi.validate(myObj, schema);console.log(result);

This gives an error ValidationError: child "type" fails because ["type" must be one of [ios, android]]

Maybe it will be useful for anyone who wants to check values based on existing enum/array of values.

const SomeEnumType = { TypeA: 'A', TypeB: 'B' };

Then just use this:

const schema = Joi.object().keys({  type: Joi.string().valid(...Object.values(SomeEnumType)),});const myObj = { type: 'none' };const result = Joi.validate(myObj, schema);

For typescript users,

getEnumValues<T extends string | number>(e: any): T[] {        return typeof e === 'object' ? Object.keys(e).map(key => e[key]) : [];}Joi.string().valid(...getEnumValues(YOUR_ENUM));