how to use node-webkit with express server? how to use node-webkit with express server? express express

how to use node-webkit with express server?

I am working on learning this myself. Here are the basics for converting an express app to a node webkit app.

I will assume that you have a node.js app with two modules installed. The first being express.js and the second some template engine. I am using handlebars so I will use it for this example.

I will also assume the app you want to convert is the simplest one possible, in short I will assume you are using express to do two things - run a server and respond to a single route that renders a view file

Step 1.

Download node webkit:

Step 2.

Unzip it

Step 3.

Open up the console and cd into the newly created folder (I will call this directory app-parent from here on out). Once you are there - run this command:

npm install express

When this is done run:

npm install express-handlebars

Step 4:

In app-parent create two additional folders. One named resources and the other named views. Also in app-parent create a file called package.json.

Copy the following code into package.json

{    "name": "app",    "main": "resources/index.html"}

Step 5:

Go to the resources folder and create a file named index.html. Inside of this copy the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <meta charset="UTF-8">    <title></title></head><!--______________________________________________________BEGIN APP--><body>    <script>    </script>    <script>    var express = require('express');    var app = express();    var expressHbs = require('express-handlebars');    app.engine('hbs', expressHbs({        extname: 'hbs'    }));    app.set('view engine', 'hbs');    app.get("/", function(req, res) {        res.render("index", {            item: "weeeeeeeee"        })    })    app.listen("3000", function(err) {        if (err) {            console.log("server is not working");        } else {            console.log("Server is working on 3000");        }    })    window.location.href = 'http://localhost:3000';    </script></body><!--______________________________________________________END APP--></html>

Step 7.

Go to the views folder in app-parent and create a new file called index.hbs. Inside this file copy the following code.

<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <meta charset="UTF-8">        <title></title>    </head>    <!--______________________________________________________BEGIN APP-->    <body>        <p>Oink</p>        {{item}}    </body>    <!--______________________________________________________END APP--></html>

Final step.

Inside app-parent click the file named nw.exe. Your app should launch.


Node-Webkit(means nodeJS+chromium framework) so you can run your server code(Express.js,etc) directly to your app(just install expressJS and then call directly client side code) that's it