In Express.js, how do I set a wildcard route to not match for asset files? In Express.js, how do I set a wildcard route to not match for asset files? express express

In Express.js, how do I set a wildcard route to not match for asset files?

One solution I found, is to search for a "." inside the query and then set a flag if it's found:

router.get("/:page", function(req, res) {    if (req.render_view) res.render("index");});router.param("page", function(req, res, next, page) {    // if request is not an asset file          if (page.indexOf(".") == -1) {        // do stuff        // set a flag        req.render_view = true;    }    next(); });

But I would like to find a cleaner solution, possibly using a regular expression in the router.get?

if I understand what you want to do ,you should just do something like :


 app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/static')); app.use('/:page',function(){}..)

this configuration works when ur public and static folder is relative to app.js, when browser request for static file , first server will look at public folder , if file is no there will continue to static folder and finally to /:page