Is it considered bad practice to use HTML in Jade? Is it considered bad practice to use HTML in Jade? express express

Is it considered bad practice to use HTML in Jade?


Actually jade/pug syntax allows plain HTML (or any other plain text) through the use of 3 syntaxes, as you can see in the reference on the project's site.

dot syntax (also known as "Block in a Tag")

ul.  <li><a href="#book-a">Book A</a></li>  <li><a href="#book-b">Book B</a></li>

pipe syntax (also known as "Piped Text")

ul  | <li><a href="#book-a">Book A</a></li>  | <li><a href="#book-b">Book B</a></li>

tag syntax (also know as "Inline in a Tag"), "Simply place some content after the tag", can also do the trick

ul  li <a href="#book-a">Book A</a>

which will render

<ul><li><a href="#book-a">Book A</a></li></ul>

The Question

Back to your question, your sample

<div class="someClass">      <h3> #{} </h3></div>

could be written as simple as

.someClass  h3=

Which is a lot more readable I think, so in that case you should consider a bad practice writing raw HTML, but not always.


IMO, common sense is the best good practice. Maybe i would consider using a raw chunk of HTML to insert a widget on the page, i.e. a youtube video or a custom google map <iframe>.

<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=",-7.838262&spn=1.010793,0.991384&t=m&output=embed"></iframe><iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

As said above, here doesn't makes sense to use the attribute syntax. The result is nearly the same, and is quicker leaving the raw html.

iframe(width="425", height="350", frameborder="0", scrolling="no", marginheight="0", marginwidth="0" src=",-7.838262&spn=1.010793,0.991384&t=m&output=embed")iframe(width="420", height="315", src="", frameborder="0", allowfullscreen)

Jade now provides inline syntax for nested tags:

a: img

turns into


Taken from the official documentation.

you can use the following approach too to use plain html as your view engine.

app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, '/path/to/your/folder'));app.set("view options", {layout: false});app.engine('html', function(path, opt, fn) {  fs.readFile(path, 'utf-8', function(error, str) {      if (error)          return str;      return fn(null, str);  });
