Is it possible to use the new renderToNodeStream? Is it possible to use the new renderToNodeStream? express express

Is it possible to use the new renderToNodeStream?

Here's an example

// Write the <head> and root <div>res.write('<html><head>' + metaTags + '</head><body><div id="root>')// Render the frontend React appconst stream = renderToNodeStream(<ReactWholeAppOrJustComponent/>)// Pipe that HTML to the responsestream.pipe(res, { end: false });// When React is finished, clean up the dangling HTML tagsstream.on('end', () => res.end('</div></body></html>'))

How about rendering your template as string and doing a split?

const html = pug.renderFile('path/to/file.pug', options);

now html is for example

"<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><div id='react'>ssrContent</div></body</html>"

then split, send the first part, stream, and send the rest.


I had similar problems and I wrote a small function for ES6 template literals.


const streamString = require('node-stream-string')//"/", (req, res) => {    const stream = streamString`        <!DOCTYPE html>        <html>        <head>            <title>${ getTitle(req) }</title>            <style>${ getStyle(req) }</style>        </head>        <body>                <div id='root'>                ${ renderToNodeStream(<App/>) }            </div>        </body>        </html>    `    stream.pipe(res)})
