Issue with consign and express paths Issue with consign and express paths express express

Issue with consign and express paths

I managed to find a solution to my problem and felt that I should post an answer to help others.

Essentially, as shown above I was using a relative path like so:

consign({ cwd: './artifact/server/api' })    .include('models')    .then('middleware')    .then('routers')    .into(app);

which when called from the root directory resulted in consign not working. This can be fixed by making use of path

I added this at the top of my server.js file:

const path = require('path');

and then changed my consign init to:

consign({ cwd: path.join(__dirname, 'api') })    .include('models')    .then('middleware')    .then('routers')    .into(app);

This then fixed my issue!

I was running into the same issue and getting this error

! Entity not found

...but then read Node's path documentation and tried the following:

consign({  cwd: path.dirname(__dirname)})

Seems to be a solution if you need the working directory cwd: to be root './'