Joi validation string().trim() not working Joi validation string().trim() not working express express

Joi validation string().trim() not working

With version >= 17 of Joi you could write the schema as followed:

const localRegistrationSchema = Joi.object({ // changes here,  email: Joi.string() // here    .email()    .trim()    .lowercase() // and here    .required()    .messages({      '': 'Email must be a valid email address',      'string.trim': 'Email may not contain any spaces at the beginning or end', // seems to be unnecessary      'string.empty': 'Email is required'    })});console.log(localRegistrationSchema.validate({ email: '' }));// error: [Error [ValidationError]: Email is required]console.log(localRegistrationSchema.validate({ email: '' }));// value: { email: '' }console.log(localRegistrationSchema.validate({ email: '  ' }));// value: { email: '' }console.log(localRegistrationSchema.validate({ email: 'FOO@BAR.COM' }));// value: { email: '' }