Json Web Token verify() return jwt malformed Json Web Token verify() return jwt malformed express express

Json Web Token verify() return jwt malformed

You cannot pass any value as token. You need jwt.sign() to create a token. Look at the documentation of JWT for more information.


For the request Header name just use Authorization not x-access-token. Place Bearer before the Token.

Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_STRING

Each part of the JWT is a base64url encoded value. You can get your token as:

var token = req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1];

Note :

JWT will return jwt malformed If Token is null/Invalid-Signature that is being passed to jwt.verifty function

let token = null;
let payload = jwt.verify(token, 'secretKey'); //ERROR : jwt malformed

From what I see, you are not sending the actual JWT token but the secret instead. A valid JWT token consist of a three-part string delimited by dots, like so:



As you can see on the above website, 'superSuperSecret' is not a valid JWT token.