Local passport authorization on different ports Local passport authorization on different ports express express

Local passport authorization on different ports

You can hide both services behind proxy, Nginx for example. And both your services will be use 1 address.

NGINX config example

server {  listen 80;  server_name example.com;  proxy_set_header Host $http_host;  proxy_pass_header Server;  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;  location / {    proxy_pass http://frontend_address:port;    proxy_redirect default;  }  location ~ /api {    proxy_pass http://backend_address:port;    proxy_redirect default;  }}

So all requests http://example.com will go to frontend service, and all requests http://example.com/api/ go to backend service.

If your web app and API are running in different ports then for authentication using passport we can try this approach

  • onClick of socialAuth Button from web app (localhost:300) use window.open function to directly call the passport API (localhost:5000/auth/google)
  • once the authentication is done, the callback URL will hit API port again (localhost:5000/auth/google/callback)
  • now in the callback, we have user information which has to be sent to the web app (port 3000), use socket programming to achieve this.
  • refer this with example

I believe you have a cross-domain issue, since you are running on different ports.

This issue has been discussed already, and I believe you can find a solution here: Passport js fails to maintain session in cross-domain

In short, you need to configure your server to send the approperiate headers to allow cross-domain sharing of the access headers.