NestJS - request timeout NestJS - request timeout express express

NestJS - request timeout

To increase the nestjs - API application server request/response timeout, I did the following in main.js

const server = await app.listen(5000);server.setTimeout(1800000); // 600,000=> 10Min, 1200,000=>20Min, 1800,000=>30Min

You can pass a express instance to the NextFactory.create(module, expressInstance) so you can add the middleware to that express instance like

const expressInstance = express();express.use(timeout('4'));express.use((err, res, req, next) => req.jsonp(err)); // DON'T USE FOR PRODUCTIONconst app = NestFactory.create(AppModule, express);

It should work.

NestJS has a feature called Interceptors. Interceptors can be used for the purpose of forcing timeouts, they demonstrate it here, TimeoutInterceptor.

Suppose you have got your Interceptor in a file called timeout.interceptor.ts:

import { Injectable, NestInterceptor, ExecutionContext, CallHandler, RequestTimeoutException } from '@nestjs/common';import { Observable, throwError, TimeoutError } from 'rxjs';import { catchError, timeout } from 'rxjs/operators';@Injectable()export class TimeoutInterceptor implements NestInterceptor {  intercept(context: ExecutionContext, next: CallHandler): Observable<any> {    return next.handle().pipe(      timeout(5000),      catchError(err => {        if (err instanceof TimeoutError) {          return throwError(new RequestTimeoutException());        }        return throwError(err);      }),    );  };};

After this, you have to register it, which can be done in several ways. The global registration way is shown below:

const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);app.useGlobalInterceptors(new TimeoutInterceptor());