node-express app.get() marked as unresolved in webstorm node-express app.get() marked as unresolved in webstorm express express

node-express app.get() marked as unresolved in webstorm

Instead of express definitelyTyped, use express types in your project:

npm install --save-dev @types/express

Alternatively, for yarn users:

yarn add --dev @types/express

This worked great for me.

TL;DR:you go to Settings/Preferences --> Languages and Frameworks --> JavaScript --> Libraries, click the Download button on the right, then select "express" (or any other library you need) and click Download and Install.

Enabling express-DefinitelyTyped typescript library for Express project does work for me - app.get() is successfully resolved. Adding typescript stubs is the only possible workaround, as WebStorm can't understand the way express is defined - see

If adding typescript stubs doesn't work for you, please try invalidating caches. If this doesn't help, I'd suggest contacting jetbrains support, providing a sample project