node express, how to clear cookie after log out node express, how to clear cookie after log out express express

node express, how to clear cookie after log out

This is response.clearCookie of Express.JS (file response.js at line 749).

var opts = merge({ expires: new Date(1), path: '/' }, options);return this.cookie(name, '', opts);

If you set a breakpoint at this line you will see expires is reported at an invalid date. So instead of using response.clearCookie, just make it expire immediately like this one.

response.cookie("express.sid", "", { expires: new Date() });

This is working for me with cookie-parser module:

router.get('/logout', function(req, res){    cookie = req.cookies;    for (var prop in cookie) {        if (!cookie.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {            continue;        }            res.cookie(prop, '', {expires: new Date(0)});    }    res.redirect('/');});

What worked for me was adding path and domain in res.clearCookie

res.clearCookie(<cookie-name>, {path: '/', domain: <domain-on-which-cookie-is-set>}

Also, make sure to include credentials on the frontend, otherwise no cookie will be sent with the request. If no cookie goes to the server, it has nothing to clear!

fetch('', {credentials: "include"}