node / express REST API application - passing parameters to GET method node / express REST API application - passing parameters to GET method express express

node / express REST API application - passing parameters to GET method

Do I need to create two separate methods, one that accepts a parameter and one that doesn't?

I'm guessing you posted this before even trying that?

The answer is yes.

Your route that accepts parameters should look like this:

app.get('/emergency/:id', function (req, res, next) {    var id =;    console.log('The id: ' + id);});

Yes,it is necessary to have two different functions that listen to each type of url.This is because The url

http://localhost/example/abcd will get received in router.get('/example/:username',testFunction1);


http://localhost/example will be received in router.get('/example',testFunction2);

Refer to the article: detailed explanation of procedure to fetch paramters through GET method in Nodejs.

I am not sure will it work or not you can try some thing like this

app.get('/emergency/:var(:id/|)', function (req, res, next) {    var id =;    console.log('The id: ' + id);});