Node.js and Express on Windows Node.js and Express on Windows express express

Node.js and Express on Windows

This is a bug in the Windows version of Node v0.6.9. Filesystem access is pretty much messed up. Rollback to v0.6.8 and you should be fine.

The Express.js command line on Windows doesn't quite work well either. I just tried with Node v0.6.8.

This works

express --sessions myapp

This doesn't work for me

express --sessions --css stylus myapp

Fortunately you can add stylus support manually in your generated app. Open up app.js and in the app.configure function, add:

app.use(require('stylus').middleware({src: __dirname + '/public'}));

Hope this helps!


Oh ya, don't forget your NPM commands. In your app directory, you may need to npm install jade and npm install stylus.