Node.js : Express app.get with multiple query parameters Node.js : Express app.get with multiple query parameters express express

Node.js : Express app.get with multiple query parameters

Have you tried calling it like this?


The URL you need to call usually looks pretty much like the route, you could also change it to:


To make it a little prettier:


In the requested url http://localhost:3000/yelp?term=food&location=austin

  • base url/address is localhost:3000
  • route used for matching is /yelp
  • querystring url-encoded data is ?term=food&location=austin i.e. data is everything after ?

Query strings are not considered when peforming these matches, for example "GET /" would match the following route, as would "GET /?name=tobi".

So you should either :

  • use app.get("/yelp") and extract the term and location from req.query like req.query.term
  • use app.get("/yelp/term/:term/location/:location") but modify the url accordingly as luto described.

I want to add to @luto's answer. There is no need to define query string parameters in the route. For instance the route /a will handle the request for /a?q=value.

The url parameters is a shortcut to define all the matches for a pattern of route so the route /a/:b will match

  1. /a/b
  2. /a/c
  3. /a/anything

it wont match

/a/b/something or /a