Node.js/Express form post req.body not working Node.js/Express form post req.body not working express express

Node.js/Express form post req.body not working

<form id="myform" action="/" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">  <input type="text" name="I_appear_in_req_body" id="mytext" />  <input type="submit" id="mysubmit" /></form>

The body of a HTTP post is a key/value hash of all the form controls with a name attribute, and the value is the value of the control.

You need to give names to all your inputs.

It also due to content type. please see console.log(req) object.

'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8’  // valid.'content-type': 'application/JSON; charset=UTF-8// invalid & req.body would empty object {}.

To check content type by console.log('json')) // return true/false

I think 'charset=UTF-8' is negligible in above.