Nodejs HTTP and HTTPS over same port Nodejs HTTP and HTTPS over same port express express

Nodejs HTTP and HTTPS over same port

You don't need to listen on same port if you follow convention

By convention when you request your browser will try to connect to port 80. If you try to open your browser will try to connect to port 443. So to secure all traffic it is simply conventional to listen to port 80 on http with a redirect to https where we already have a listener for https for port 443. Here's the code:

var https = require('https');var fs = require('fs');var options = {    key: fs.readFileSync('./key.pem'),    cert: fs.readFileSync('./cert.pem')};https.createServer(options, function (req, res) {    res.end('secure!');}).listen(443);// Redirect from http port 80 to httpsvar http = require('http');http.createServer(function (req, res) {    res.writeHead(301, { "Location": "https://" + req.headers['host'] + req.url });    res.end();}).listen(80);

Test with https:

$ curl -ksecure!

With http:

$ curl -iHTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyLocation: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 06:15:16 GMTConnection: keep-aliveTransfer-Encoding: chunked

If you must listen on same port

There isn't simple way to have http / https listen on the same port. You best bet is to create proxy server on a simple net socket that pipes to (http or https) based on the nature of the incoming connection (http vs. https).

Here is the complete code (based on that does exactly that. It listens on localhost:3000 and pipes it to http (which in turn redirects it to https) or if the incomming connection is in https it just passes it to https handler

var fs = require('fs');var net = require('net');var http = require('http');var https = require('https');var baseAddress = 3000;var redirectAddress = 3001;var httpsAddress = 3002;var httpsOptions = {    key: fs.readFileSync('./key.pem'),    cert: fs.readFileSync('./cert.pem')};net.createServer(tcpConnection).listen(baseAddress);http.createServer(httpConnection).listen(redirectAddress);https.createServer(httpsOptions, httpsConnection).listen(httpsAddress);function tcpConnection(conn) {    conn.once('data', function (buf) {        // A TLS handshake record starts with byte 22.        var address = (buf[0] === 22) ? httpsAddress : redirectAddress;        var proxy = net.createConnection(address, function () {            proxy.write(buf);            conn.pipe(proxy).pipe(conn);        });    });}function httpConnection(req, res) {    var host = req.headers['host'];    res.writeHead(301, { "Location": "https://" + host + req.url });    res.end();}function httpsConnection(req, res) {    res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Length': '5' });    res.end('HTTPS');}

As a test, If you connect it with https you get the https handler:

$ curl -kHTTPS

if you connect it with http you get the redirect handler (which simply takes you to the https handler):

$ curl -iHTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyLocation: Sat, 31 May 2014 16:36:56 GMTConnection: keep-aliveTransfer-Encoding: chunked

If serving HTTP and HTTPS over a single port is an absolute requirement you can proxy the request to the relevant HTTP implementation directly, rather than piping the socket to another port.


'use strict';let net = require('net');let http = require('http');let https = require('https');exports.createServer = (opts, handler) => {    let server = net.createServer(socket => {        socket.once('data', buffer => {            // Pause the socket            socket.pause();            // Determine if this is an HTTP(s) request            let byte = buffer[0];            let protocol;            if (byte === 22) {                protocol = 'https';            } else if (32 < byte && byte < 127) {                protocol = 'http';            }            let proxy = server[protocol];            if (proxy) {                // Push the buffer back onto the front of the data stream                socket.unshift(buffer);                // Emit the socket to the HTTP(s) server                proxy.emit('connection', socket);            }                        // As of NodeJS 10.x the socket must be             // resumed asynchronously or the socket            // connection hangs, potentially crashing            // the process. Prior to NodeJS 10.x            // the socket may be resumed synchronously.            process.nextTick(() => socket.resume());         });    });    server.http = http.createServer(handler);    server.https = https.createServer(opts, handler);    return server;};