NodeJS sendFile with File Name in download NodeJS sendFile with File Name in download express express

NodeJS sendFile with File Name in download

there is a specialized method

which covers all for you ;)

router.get('/get/myfile', function (req, res) {"/file_in_filesystem.dat", "name_in_browsers_downloads.dat");});

This is my solution:

var fs = require('fs');var path = require('path');const transfer = exports;transfer.responseFile = function (basePath, fileName, res) {    var fullFileName = path.join(basePath, fileName);    fs.exists(fullFileName, function (exist) {        if (exist) {            var filename = path.basename(fullFileName);            res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=' + filename);            res.setHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'binary');            res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream');            res.sendFile(fullFileName)        } else {            res.sendStatus(404);        }    });};

and use it:

router.get('/myfile', function (req, res) {    transfer.responseFile("/var/nodejs", 'fileToDownload.dat', res);});

Thank you to all helpers :)

If you have multiple routes like below:"/get/myfile1", "/get/myfile2", "/get/myfile

Why don't you make a generic one. which can handle all request and it will solve your link(download_name) problem too. You can do it as below

router.get('/get/:fileName',function(req,res){    res.sendFile('/file_path/'+req.params.fileName)});

Edit After Comment (EDIT 1):

Sorry, i didn't get your point. I am assuming that if you are developing the backend api, you should have the control of choosing the url too, right ?

Giving an example:

when server side is this:

router.get('/get/:fileName',function(req,res){    res.sendFile('/file_path/'+req.params.fileName)});

Based on your posted code and implementation. The files which need to get downloaded are finite in number and known files.

assuming there are 2 files : "file1.dat" and "file2.dat"

you can call the api as below right ?


am i missing something ?


If that is the case, i think this would solve your problem, instead of using sendFile use res.attachment:

app.get('/get/myfile',function(req,res){        res.attachment('/file.txt');        res.end('Downloaded', 'UTF-8')});