Order records in DESC not working property in SequelizeJS Order records in DESC not working property in SequelizeJS express express

Order records in DESC not working property in SequelizeJS

The working sample is:

// await Product.bulkCreate([ ... ])const results = await Product.findAll({  where: { type: 'a' },  limit: 10,  order: [['updateDetails.time', 'DESC NULLS LAST']]});

Note that updateDetails must be of JSONB type.

Order query is translated to:

ORDER BY ("Product"."updateDetails"#>>'{time}') DESC NULLS LAST LIMIT 10;

Try as follows.

const results = await Product.findAll({      where: { type: 'a' },      limit: 10,      order: [['updateDetails.time', 'DESC NULLS LAST']]    })

Well, if nothing works, you always have an option to sort this in plain JavScript :)

var data =[ {   name: 'Product 1',   type: 'a',   updateDetails: { time: '2020-05-28T05:53:31.540Z', userId: 1, officeId: 2 } }, {   name: 'Product 2',   type: 'a',   updateDetails: null }, {   name: 'Product 3',   type: 'a',   updateDetails: { time: '2020-05-27T05:53:31.540Z', userId: 1, officeId: 2 } }, {   name: 'Product 4',   type: 'a',   updateDetails: null }, {   name: 'Product 5',   type: 'a',   updateDetails: { time: '2020-05-20T05:53:31.540Z', userId: 1, officeId: 2 } }]data.sort((a,b)=>{  if(a.updateDetails && !b.updateDetails){    return -1  }  return a.name - b.name;});console.log(data)