Redirecting to previous page after authentication in node.js using passport.js Redirecting to previous page after authentication in node.js using passport.js express express

Redirecting to previous page after authentication in node.js using passport.js

In your ensureAuthenticated method save the return url in the session like this:

...req.session.returnTo = req.originalUrl; res.redirect('/login');...

Then you can update your passport.authenticate route to something like:

app.get('/auth/google/return', passport.authenticate('google'), function(req, res) {    res.redirect(req.session.returnTo || '/');    delete req.session.returnTo;}); 

I don't know about passport, but here's how I do it:

I have a middleware I use with app.get('/account', auth.restrict, routes.account) that sets redirectTo in the session...then I redirect to /login

auth.restrict = function(req, res, next){    if (!req.session.userid) {        req.session.redirectTo = '/account';        res.redirect('/login');    } else {        next();    }};

Then in I do the following:

var redirectTo = req.session.redirectTo || '/';delete req.session.redirectTo;// is authenticated ?res.redirect(redirectTo);

Take a look at connect-ensure-login, which works along side Passport to do exactly what you want!