Response streaming in Express does not work in Azure App Service Response streaming in Express does not work in Azure App Service express express

Response streaming in Express does not work in Azure App Service

Like I described in the latter part of my question, directly piping the res (my response to the client) to dataStream (the data stream I got from the external API) allowed to stream without any issues.

Extending the same behavior, I created a Readable stream which is equivalent to the response I should send to my client. Then I piped it to res and it worked.

Here is my solution.

const https = require('https');const { withParser } = require('stream-json/filters/Pick');const { streamArray } = require('stream-json/streamers/StreamArray');const { chain } = require('stream-chain');const { Readable } = require('stream');exports.getStreamResponse = async function (req, res) {  const options = {    hostname,    port,    path,    method: 'GET',  };  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {    https.request(options, (dataStream) => {      const pipeline = chain([        dataStream,        withParser({ filter: 'items' }),        streamArray()      ]);        // create a readable stream to collect data from response       const readable = new Readable({        // this empty method is to avoid 'ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED'        // error when read method is called while there is no data in the        // readable stream        read(size) { }      });        let separator = '';        readable.pipe(res);      readable.push("[");      pipeline.on('data', data => {        readable.push(separator + JSON.stringify(data.value));        if (!separator) {          separator = ',';        }      });      pipeline.on('end', () => {        readable.push("]");        readable.push(null);        resolve();      });                  pipeline.on('error', reject);    });  })};

However, I noticed this solution requires more memory than the solution I had issues with. Probably because I am creating a readable stream that is redundant.