Sharing variables across files in node.js without using global variables Sharing variables across files in node.js without using global variables express express

Sharing variables across files in node.js without using global variables

One of the ways is by passing the object as argument to function (as already has been described in @Thomas' answer).

Other way is to create a new file say 'global.js'. put only those items in this file that you want to be global. e.g.

var Global = {    io : { }};    module.exports = Global;

Now, in your app.js,

var app = express(),    server = require('http').createServer(app),     global = require('./global.js'); = require('').listen(server);require('./socket');

And in your socket.js:

var global = require('./global.js');'connection', function(socket) {    //xxx}

Hope it helps...


var app = express(),  server = require('http').createServer(app),  socket = require('./socket');var io = require('').listen(server);socket(io)


module.exports = function (io) {  io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {    // Your code here  });}