socket.on('connection' ... event never fired nodejs + express + socket.on('connection' ... event never fired nodejs + express + express express

socket.on('connection' ... event never fired nodejs + express +

Took a while to notice... the connection event is emmited on io.sockets. In your code this would be

socket.sockets.on('connection', function (client) {  client.send("hello")  console.log("hello", client)})

You should use io instead of socket as the var name to avoid this confusion.

Ricardo Tomasi is correct, saved my life, i was going crazy.

Altough things changed, we are in 2013, there's still an issue opened (since 2 years) on this

probably something changed, anyway to register the 'connect' event i had to do this:

var openSocket = function (uniqueID) {  var appSocket = io.connect('/'+uniqueID, { transports: ['websocket', 'xhr-polling']});  appSocket.socket.on('connect', function () {    console.log('i did connect.');  });  return appSocket;};

The following did a trick for me with: "^0.9.16"

io.connect("http://localhost:4000", {'force new connection': true});

Now 'connect' event fires consistently and there is no re-use.

I figured out this option by examining line: 192Since I can't even find this io.js file in github, I think there is refactoring in future releases, and this option might not work.

At least this might be helpful to somebody who will take this temporary work around.