Specifying Mongo Query Parameters From Client Controller (MEAN.JS) Specifying Mongo Query Parameters From Client Controller (MEAN.JS) express express

Specifying Mongo Query Parameters From Client Controller (MEAN.JS)

Another way is to just pass the search parameters in the query method, like this:

 $scope.searchart = function() {    Articles.query({start:$scope.startDate, end:$scope.endDate}, function(articles) {        $scope.articles = articles;    });};

and then at the server side controller, read your query string parameters like this:

exports.searcharticle = function(req, res) {    Article.find().where('date').gt(req.query['start']).lt(req.query['end']).exec(function(err, articles) {        if (err) {            res.render('error', {                status: 500            });        } else {            res.jsonp(articles);        }    });};

This way doesn't require more routes or services.

It's probably not the cleanest way, but you can create a new service (or edit the current one to work with several parameters):

.factory('ArticlesService2', ['$resource',    function($resource) {        return $resource('articles/:param1/:param2', {            param1: '',            param2: ''        }, {            update: {                method: 'PUT'            }        });    }]);

Then call it in your controller :

$scope.findWithParams = function() {    $scope.article = ArticlesService2.query({        param1: $scope.aYearFromNow,        param2: $scope.aMonthAgo    });};

On the back-end, you'll need to prepare a route :

app.route('/articles/:param1/:param2')    .get(articles.listWithParams)

Add a function to your back-end controller :

exports.listWithParams = function(req, res) {    Article.find()    .where('date')    .lt(req.params.param1)    .gt(req.params.param2)    .sort('-created').populate('user', 'displayName')    .exec(function(err, articles) {        if (err) {            return res.send(400, {                message: getErrorMessage(err)            });        } else {            res.jsonp(articles);        }    });};

Should work, haven't tested it though.