test responsebody with Jest and supertest test responsebody with Jest and supertest express express

test responsebody with Jest and supertest

it seems like then returning only text (no json) you have yo use res.text, like this:

test('test http server', async () => {  const res: request.Response = await request(app).get('/')  expect(res.type).toEqual('text/html');  expect(res.text).toEqual('Hello world');});

On the other hand, when testing an endpoint that returns json I can do like this:

test('test valid_cuit with a valid case', async () => {  const cuit: string = '20-24963205-9'  const res: request.Response = await request(app).get(`/api/valid_cuit/${ cuit }`)  expect(res.type).toEqual('application/json')  expect(res.body.cuit).toEqual(cuit)  expect(res.body.isValid).toBe(true)});