Text content did not match. Warning in React 16 Text content did not match. Warning in React 16 express express

Text content did not match. Warning in React 16

For those discovering this error because your client and server purposefully render different content (like the server rendering a dark theme which gets replaced with the user preference on load), use suppressHydrationWarning to suppress the error.

For example:

<div suppressHydrationWarning>Ignore this</div>

The problem here is that your server-side application does not reflect code changes. To do that you have to configure your express app as a webpack entry.

Briefly, you need 2 webpack configurations one for server and another for client code.The server one will look something like this

module.exports = {  entry: {    server: './server.js',  },  output: {    path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),    publicPath: '/',    filename: '[name].js'  },  target: 'node',  node: {    // Need this when working with express, otherwise the build fails    __dirname: false,   // if you don't put this is, __dirname    __filename: false,  // and __filename return blank or /  },  externals: [nodeExternals()], // Need this to avoid error when working with Express  module: {    rules: [      {        // Transpiles ES6-8 into ES5        test: /\.js$/,        exclude: /node_modules/,        use: {          loader: "babel-loader"        }      },      {        // Loads the javacript into html template provided.        // Entry point is set below in HtmlWebPackPlugin in Plugins         test: /\.html$/,        use: [{loader: "html-loader"}]      }    ]  },  plugins: [    new HtmlWebPackPlugin({      template: "./index.html",      filename: "./index.html",      excludeChunks: [ 'server' ]    })  ]}

Here is a nice article explaining how to do that in details