The JSON data in request body is not getting parsed using body-parser The JSON data in request body is not getting parsed using body-parser express express

The JSON data in request body is not getting parsed using body-parser

In express.js the order in which you declare middleware is very important. bodyParser middleware must be defined early than your own middleware (api endpoints).

var express = require('express'); var app = express();var router = express.Router();var bodyParser = require('body-parser');app.use('/', express.static(__dirname));app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));app.use(bodyParser.json()); // support json encoded bodiesrouter    .route('/newUser')    .post(function(req, res) {        console.log(req.body);    });app.use('/api', router);app.listen(8080);

Change the request header


So that bodyParser can parse the body.

*That is what works for me. i am using angular 2+ with express(body-parser)

I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to pass objects from Axios as key-value pairs and eventually decided to go with an alternative because setting the Content-Type: "application/json" retuned an empty object.

If the above options don't work for you, I would consider:

  • Extracting the key (which should contain the entireobject)
  • Parsing the key
  • Accessing the values of the newly created objects

This worked for me:

var obj = (Object.keys(req.body)[0])

var NewObj = JSON.parse(obj)

var name = apiWords["Key1"]

var image = apiWords["Key2"]