The node express's bodyParser can't get the parameter in the GET request The node express's bodyParser can't get the parameter in the GET request express express

The node express's bodyParser can't get the parameter in the GET request

If you are issuing a GET request, the URL parameters are not part of the body, and thus will not be parsed by the bodyParser middleware.

To access the query parameters, just reference req.query

You can access your data for get request in server-side by using req.query.key and req.query.value.

In order to get params from bodyParser you must use POST not GET. Your ajax request and server calls must both use POST.'/update', function(req, res){    showParam(req, res);});$.ajax({        url: '/update',                     type: 'POST',            data: {            "key": key,            "value": value        },        success: function (data, err) {        }    });

To get the GET params, use the url module and use query = url.parse(req.url, true).query. query will contain an object with the values accessible via