TypeError: res.status is not a function TypeError: res.status is not a function express express

TypeError: res.status is not a function

At this point:

upload = uploadpicture(finalBuffer).then((res)=>{ //success request

the resis the result of promise uploadpicture function (that is the parsedBody), not the res from the express route. So indeed, it has no status function. Try change the then callback name like:

upload = uploadpicture(finalBuffer).then((otherName)=>{ //success request

The accepted answer directly addresses the OP's problem, but I post another solution since you can also encounter this error in other places.

When you have:

api.use((error: ErrorRequestHandler, request: ExpressRequest, response: ExpressResponse) => {  response.status(500).end() // response.status is not a function})

Because the error handling route must accept 4 arguments for express to identify it as an error middleware.

api.use((error: ErrorRequestHandler, request: ExpressRequest, response: ExpressResponse, next: NextFunction) => {  response.status(500).end()})

Just adding the next function (or whatever argument you're missing) will fix it.
