TypeError: task is not a function in async js parrallel TypeError: task is not a function in async js parrallel express express

TypeError: task is not a function in async js parrallel

async.series and most of the async control flow functions expect functions or arrays of functions to be returned, e.g.

async.series([  function () {},  function () {}])

The return values of your two function calls, uploadImage and ProcessUpload are not functions. async errors out.

Instead you would have to write this as something like:

async.series([    function (callback) {        // callback has to be called by `uploadImage` when it's done        uploadImage(path,destFolder,destination, callback);    },]);

You can also simplify this a bit by passing a null object to bind():

async.series( [    uploadImage.bind( null, path, destFolder, destination ),    ProcessUpload.bind( null, optionalController, opts, res )] );