unable to convert JSON object to global array unable to convert JSON object to global array express express

unable to convert JSON object to global array

You are calling responde.render("index"); outside of the callback function from mongo.find, which means you are not waiting for the data to be retrieved to render the "index.ejs" file.

You need to call response.render("index"); inside of the callback function from mongo.find, like this:

app.get("/", function (request, response) {    model.find({},function (err, data1) {        if (err) {            response.send({                statusCode: 500,                message: 'Data did not selected'            })        } else {                          let wholeArray = Object.keys(data1).map(key => data1[key]);            app.locals.wholeArray = wholeArray;            response.render("index");        };    });});

Note that you can pass locals temporary locals to res.render as its second argument, like this: res.render("index", wholeArray);

Also, why do you need to create an array? You can send the object returned from mongo directly, which will probably be easier to manipulate in the template engine.