Uploading images with fetch to Express using Multer Uploading images with fetch to Express using Multer express express

Uploading images with fetch to Express using Multer

The error occurs because you specified the 'Content-type' explicitly. To do this properly, you'd also need to specify the boundary. You can find a detailed explanation of multipart/form-data here: How does HTTP file upload work?

To solve the issue with the file upload, you should remove the 'Content-Type' specification from the fetch request. You can also refactor the uploadImage method to upload the form without parsing the inputs:

function uploadImage () {  // This assumes the form's name is `myForm`  var form = document.getElementById("myForm");  var formData = new FormData(form);  fetch('http://localhost:8000/uploadUserImage', {    method: 'POST',    body: formData  });}

The problem for me was that firebase has an error and can't use multer. You need to use busboy and parse it manually. Also I needed to append the uri from react native imagePicker instead of the file blob. Like this:

data.append('fileData', {  uri : pickerResponse.uri,  type: pickerResponse.type,  name: pickerResponse.fileName});