Use in expressjs routes instead of in main server.js file Use in expressjs routes instead of in main server.js file express express

Use in expressjs routes instead of in main server.js file

There are multiple ways to share the io variable with route files.

  1. When you require() in your route file, pass it the io variable as a constructor argument.

  2. Use app.set("io", io) so you can then use let io = app.get("io") in any file that has access to the app object.

  3. Create a middleware that puts the io object on every req object so you can access it from there any time.

Here's an example of passing it as a constructor argument to the router file:

let server = app.listen(3000);let io = require('')(server);// load other routersapp.use(require("./someRouterFile.js")(io));// in someRouterFile.jsconst express = require('express');module.exports = function(io) {    let router = express.Router()    // define routes    // io is available in this scope    router.get(...)    return router;}

Here's an example of the app.set() scheme:

let server = app.listen(3000);let io = require('')(server);app.set("io", io);

Then, anywhere in your routes that you have access to the app object, you can get it with:

let io = app.get("io");

Here's an example of using a middleware to set the io object onto every req object so it's available from all routes.

let server = app.listen(3000);let io = require('')(server);// place this middleware before any other route definitions// makes io available as in all request handlersapp.use(function(req, res, next) { = io;    next();});// then in any express route handler, you can use

Here's an example of using an argument to the module constructor without middleware:

// in mysocket.jsmodule.exports = (io) => {    console.log('IO: ', io);    io.on('connect', socket => {       // handle various socket connections here    });    // put any other code that wants to use the io variable    // in here};

Then, in your main file:

let server = app.listen(3000);let io = require('')(server);// initialize my socketio module and pass it the io instancerequire('./mysocket.js')(io);

In server.js:

module.exports.getIO = function(){     return io;}

In your route file:

var theServer = require('<path to server.js>');var iovar = theServer.getIO(); //your io var

Sharing my Solution that I've used

Another solution for this problem (that I actually used) is that we can make our io ( object) object global.

Simply assign io to the

The io object is in index.js, after creating and setting up the io object simply do global (i-e = io;), now this io object is accessible in any route that we are working within our project.