Using express middleware in koa Using express middleware in koa express express

Using express middleware in koa

Also, you can try koa-connect:

It looks quite straightforward:

var koa = require('koa');var c2k = require('koa-connect');var app = koa();function middleware (req, res, next) {  console.log('connect');  next();}app.use(c2k(middleware));app.use(function * () {  this.body = 'koa';});app.listen(3000);

koa is incompatible with express middleware. (see this blog post for a detailed explaination, especially the part 'Better written middleware').

You could rewrite you middleware for koa. The koa wiki has a special guide for writing middleware.

The req and res that you would receive in an express middleware are not directly available in koa middleware. But you have access to the koa request and the koa response objects via this.request and this.response.

I have create koa2-connect on npm for koa2.

npm i koa2-connect -S// usage same as koa-connect

Because koa-connect's author haven't publish next version( npm i koa-connect@next didn't work ), and it is not compatible with webpack-dev-middleware and webpack-hot-middleware.