Waiting for multiple callbacks in Node.js Waiting for multiple callbacks in Node.js express express

Waiting for multiple callbacks in Node.js

You could also do it using when and promises, which IMHO is the easiest to read.

var promises = [];if(x) {    var deferred1 = when.defer();    doSomethingAsync({ callback: deferred1.resolve });    promises.push(deferred1.promise);} else if(y) {    var deferred2 = when.defer();    doSomethingAsync({ callback: deferred2.resolve });    promises.push(deferred2.promise);} else if(z) {    var deferred3 = when.defer();    doSomethingAsync({ callback: deferred3.resolve });    promises.push(deferred3.promise);}when.all(promises).then(function () {    console.log('Finished Promises');});

Here's one way with async series.


async.series([    function(callback){        if(foo === bar){            function1(arg1, function(val1){                callback(null, val1);            });        }else if(foo === baz){            function2(arg2, function(val2){                 callback(null, val2);            });        }else{            function3(arg3, function(val3){                 callback(null, val3);            });        }    }  ], function(error, valArray){       doWhatever(valArray[0], function(){           res.end("Finished");       });});

Here's using wait.for


//in a fibervar result;if(foo === bar){    result = wait.for(function1,arg1);}else if(foo === baz){    result = wait.for(function2,arg2);}else{    result = wait.for(function3,arg3);};doWhatever(result, function(){        res.end("Finished");});

You need to be in a fiber (or generator) to use wait.for, but, if you have a lot of callback hell,wait.for is a good approach.