What are the Express.js equivalent of Rails Gems? What are the Express.js equivalent of Rails Gems? express express

What are the Express.js equivalent of Rails Gems?

A lot of people compare express to ROR, but should, as the author also does compare it to sinatra instead of ROR.

Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort

If you haven't already installed npm(probably have to install express?) you should. I think you can compare npm to gem. When searching for rss via http://search.npmjs.org I found the following package which could be useful:

Express.js has modules that can act as middleware to express/connect. Modules such as everyauth and session (which is already bundled with connect) add additional functionality to Express and Connect. Express is built on top of Connect.

Several great modules already included into Connect

A quick primer on how Express uses middleware.