What is preferred way to submit form with express? What is preferred way to submit form with express? express express

What is preferred way to submit form with express?

From the Express guide:

When using methods such as PUT with a form, we can utilize a hidden input named _method, which can be used to alter the HTTP method. To do so we first need the methodOverride middleware, which should be placed below bodyParser so that it can utilize it’s req.body containing the form values.



And in your form:

<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="put">

Update: As I understand the new comments from the asker, nrph wants a way to submit a form with the PUT method, using ajax. Here is a solution using jQuery:

// Use this submit handler for all forms in document$(document).on('submit', 'form', function(e) {  // Form being submitted  var form = e.currentTarget;  // Issue an ajax request  $.ajax({    url: form.action,          // the forms 'action' attribute    type: 'PUT',               // use 'PUT' (not supported in all browsers)                               // Alt. the 'method' attribute (form.method)    data: $(form).serialize(), // Serialize the form's fields and values    success: function() {},    error: function() {}  });  // Prevent the browser from submitting the form  e.preventDefault();});