What is the difference between an include, a partial, and/or a block in templating. EJS / ejs-locals What is the difference between an include, a partial, and/or a block in templating. EJS / ejs-locals express express

What is the difference between an include, a partial, and/or a block in templating. EJS / ejs-locals

include: Simply takes the content from the given file and places it where your include statement is. In other words: The file has access to all variables defined in the file it has been included from.

partials: Pretty much the same as include, with the difference that the partial has only access to the variables that you pass to it when rendering.

blocks: In your layout you define locations where your blocks' content should be. In the file you render, you define contents for these blocks and define the layout you would like your block content to be rendered to.