Writing express.js app. Where do helper methods go? Writing express.js app. Where do helper methods go? express express

Writing express.js app. Where do helper methods go?

It really depends of what your helper is doing. If it operates with data which is passed as a parameter to it then you may save it in an external module and use require to access it.

// helpers/FormatString.jsmodule.exports = function(str) {   return str.toUpperCase();}// app.jsvar formatter = require("./helpers/FormatString");

However, if you need to modify the request or the response object then I'll suggest to define it as a middleware. I.e.:

app.use(function(req, res, next) {   // ... do your stuff here});

@Krasimir gave a correct answer. Regarding your question how to deal with asynchronous helper functions I can give you an example (not the usual foo/bar, but one of my own helper functions):

var cached; // as modules can act like singletons I can share values heremodule.exports = function fetchGoogleCerts(options, callback) { // <-- callback    var now = Date.now();    if (ttl > now && cached) {        callback(null, cached); // <-- return with success        return;    }    request({            uri: options.certsUrl || defaultCertsUrl,            strictSSL: true        }, function (err, response, body) {            var error, certs;            if (!err && response.statusCode === 200) {                certs = jsonParse(body); // a local function                if (!certs) {                    callback('parse_error', null); // <-- return an error                    return;                }                cached = certs;                // ... more code                callback(null, cached); // <-- success case            } else {                error = {                    error: err,                    statusCode: response.statusCode                };                log.error(error, 'error fetching google certs');                callback(error); // <-- return an error            }        });    }};

And using the helper:

fetchGoogleCerts = require('./google-certs.js'),module.exports = function fetchCertsAndDecodeIdToken(token, options, callback) {    fetchGoogleCerts(options, function (err, googleCerts) {        if (err) {            callback({                errorCode: codes.io_error,                errorMsg: 'Unable to fetch Google certificates',                error: err            });            return;        }        decodeAndVerifyGoogleIdToken(googleCerts, token, options, callback);    });};

As you can see above, the simple solution is to provide a callback function to your asynchronous helper function.

Of course you can also export an Object which extends EventEmitter, then you might not need a callback function, but register for the events. Here is an Example for a helper which emits events.