Authenticate user with a specific hosted domain (hd) in Flask with Oauth2 Authenticate user with a specific hosted domain (hd) in Flask with Oauth2 flask flask

Authenticate user with a specific hosted domain (hd) in Flask with Oauth2

The hd parameter can be set by appending it to the auth_uri as follows

auth_uri = GOOGLE_AUTH_URIauth_uri = auth_uri + '?hd=' + ''auth_flow = OAuth2WebServerFlow(client_id=AUTH_CLIENT_ID,                            client_secret=AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET,                            scope=AUTH_PLUS_SCOPE,                            redirect_uri=AUTH_CALLBACK_URI,                            auth_uri=auth_uri,                            )

However in my experience the hd parameter does not restrict users with different email addresses from logging in. You should always validate the credentials.

def authenticate(code):    try:        credentials = _get_credentials(code)        if not credentials.id_token['email'].endswith('')            # abort(401)            raise Unauthorized()        user = User.get_or_create(credentials)        login_user(user)     except FlowExchangeError:        raise Unauthorized()