Broadcast to all connected clients except sender with python flask socketio Broadcast to all connected clients except sender with python flask socketio flask flask

Broadcast to all connected clients except sender with python flask socketio

You don't have to save users ids and manage individual emissions, you can specify a broadcast without the sender with emit('my_event', {data:my_data}, broadcast=True, include_self=False). In your case it would be something like this:

@socketio.on('send_message')    def handle_source(json_data):        text = json_data['message'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')        emit('echo', {'echo': 'Server Says: '+text}, broadcast=True, include_self=False)

If you have to send messages for a specific group of clients you can create rooms and then use emit('my_event', {data:my_data}, room=my_room, include_self=False) for sending messages to clients who joined my_room. You can check the reference of flask_socketio.emit for more details.

I can't comment on @Alex's response because I don't have enough reputation, but if you want to emit a broadcast message, this is how it is done in Python:

emit('echo', {'data':'what ever you are trying to send'},  broadcast=True)

You're looking for the skip_sid parameter for socketio.emit().

skip_sid – The session id of a client to ignore when broadcasting or addressing a room. This is typically set to the originator of the message, so that everyone except that client receive the message. To skip multiple sids pass a list.