Building a Bootstrap table with dynamic elements in Flask Building a Bootstrap table with dynamic elements in Flask flask flask

Building a Bootstrap table with dynamic elements in Flask

You're missing a few <tr> and <td> tags:

<table class="table">    <thead>        <tr>            <th>name</th>            <th>age</th>            <th>option</th>        <tr>    </thead>    <tbody>        {% for person in people %}        <tr>            <td>{{ }}</td>            <td>{{ person.age }}</td>            <td>{{ person.option }}</td>        </tr>        {% endfor %}    </tbody></table>

You're aiming for a table-row (<tr>) per user, and some table-data (<td>) for each of their attributes. You've also got a {% endblock %} where you should have an {% endfor %}.