Can't route to "/login" with flask? Can't route to "/login" with flask? flask flask

Can't route to "/login" with flask?


You could turn off the strict url mode in the route module, to get the /login/ request working

Add the following code after you app = Flask(__name__) and before you define any routing.

app.url_map.strict_slashes = False

Original Answer

My chrome is messing the request somehow. I open the <F12> developer tools and find that it automatically redirect my /login request to /login/.

GeneralRequest URL: Method:GETStatus Code:301 MOVED PERMANENTLY (from disk cache)Remote Address:; charset=utf-8Date:Wed, 28 Dec 2016 14:24:44 GMTLocation: Python/3.5.1

This is awkward. I don't know how to fix this issue. I guess the best solution is to use /login/ style instead.