Celery Worker Error: ImportError no module named celery Celery Worker Error: ImportError no module named celery flask flask

Celery Worker Error: ImportError no module named celery

The problem is that you're saying "hey bro I heard you liked celery have some celery".

But really you should be saying, "hey bro I heard you installed celery, lets make a file named something really similar so we don't confuse the hell out of our environment".

Rename your email/celery.py file to email/celery_app.py

Then, when you start your worker, do the following:

celery -A email worker --app=email.celery_app:app --loglevel=info # etc.

The key is that you need to not have the file named celery.py in your file-structure, but if you don't, then you can't rely on celery to find celery, so you have to point it by specifying --app manually.

I was actually having a similar issue, assuming you were following the Next Steps tutorial and all I had to do to resolve the issue was run the worker from the directory above proj, that is, assuming you're currently in the proj directory run:

cd ..celery -A proj worker -l info

It's working for me now.