Chained Dropdown in flask, get data from sqlite database Chained Dropdown in flask, get data from sqlite database flask flask

Chained Dropdown in flask, get data from sqlite database

In your head, add a handler for changing the values of the selects:

<script type="text/javascript">    $("#select_county").change(function() {        $.ajax({            type: "POST",            url: "{{ url_for('select_county') }}",            data: {                county: $("#select_county").val()            },            success: function(data) {                $("#select_city").html(data);            }        });    });</script>

This uses jquery.change to detect when the county select is changed and jquery.ajax to send that selected value to your backend, which would be something like:

@app.route('/select_county', methods=['POST'])def select_county():    ret = ''    for entry in ...your_database_query...:        ret += '<option value="{}">{}</option>'.format(entry)    return ret

This list of <option> tags is then inserted into the second select through jquery.html.