Combining Flask Blueprints with Flask-JWT Combining Flask Blueprints with Flask-JWT flask flask

Combining Flask Blueprints with Flask-JWT

I've built a simple example that enables use of Flask-JWT decorators.

The file structure:

server├── app|   ├── admin # blueprint|   |   ├──|   |   ├──|   ├──├──└──

First, create a blueprint called admin and import its views

# file: server/app/admin/init.pyfrom flask import Blueprintadmin = Blueprint('admin', __name__)from . import views

The admin blueprint has one view. Here, we import the admin blueprint and some flask_jwt stuff so we can properly access their decorators:

from flask_jwt import jwt_required, current_identityfrom . import admin# file: server/app/admin/'/protected')@jwt_required()def protected():    return '%s' % current_identity

Now create the flask app, create the JWT instance, and register the admin blueprint to the flask application:

# file: server/app/__init__.pyfrom flask import Flaskfrom flask_jwt import JWTfrom import safe_str_cmpfrom .admin import admin# skipping over jwt authenticate() and identity() creation# = Flask(__name__)app.config.from_object('config')jwt = JWT(app, authenticate, identity)app.register_blueprint(admin, url_prefix='/admin')

And finally, set up your script manager:

from flask_script import Manager, Serverfrom import appmanager = Manager(app)# Turn on debugger by default and reloadermanager.add_command("runserver", Server(    use_debugger = True,    use_reloader = True,    host = '',    port = 5000))if __name__ == "__main__":

Now, if we go to our /admin/protected url, we will see that JWT is up and running:

{  "description": "Request does not contain an access token",  "error": "Authorization Required",  "status_code": 401}

I hope this helps!