CSRF protection on AJAX authentication in Flask CSRF protection on AJAX authentication in Flask flask flask

CSRF protection on AJAX authentication in Flask

You can get the convenience of flask-wtf without all the heaviness, and without rolling your own:

from flask_wtf.csrf import CsrfProtect

then on init, either:



csrf = CsrfProtect()def create_app():    app = Flask(__name__)    csrf.init_app(app)

The token will then be available app-wide at any point, including via jinja2:

<form method="post" action="/">  <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}" /></form>

(via the docs)

I think your problem is os.urandom function. The result of this function can contains symbols which not will parse properly in html. So when you insert csrf_token in html and don't do any escaping, you have the described problem.

How to fix.Try to escape csrf_token in html (see docs) or use another approach for generating csrf token. For example using uuid:

import uuid...def generate_random_string():    return str(uuid.uuid4())...