CSRF token mismatch in Apache Flask due to session reset CSRF token mismatch in Apache Flask due to session reset flask flask

CSRF token mismatch in Apache Flask due to session reset

What happens here is that you store your sessions using Flask-KVSession, and provide a memory based DictStore as a storage:

from simplekv.memory import DictStorestore = DictStore()KVSessionExtension(store, app)

Root cause

In a single-threaded environment, this will work. However, when multiple processes comes into play, they do not share the same memory, and multiple instances of DictStore are created, one per process. As a result, when two subsequent requests are served by two different processes, first request will not be able to pass session changes to a next request.

Or, even shorter: Two processes = two CSRF tokens. Not good.


Use a persistent storage. This is what I use:

def configure_session(app):    with app.app_context():        if config['other']['local_debug']:            store = simplekv.memory.DictStore()        else:            store = simplekv.db.sql.SQLAlchemyStore(engine, metadata, 'sessions')        # Attach session store        flask_kvsession.KVSessionExtension(store, app)