DataTables (serverSide) OK on first request, fails with "[Object object"] in request when searching or reordering DataTables (serverSide) OK on first request, fails with "[Object object"] in request when searching or reordering flask flask

DataTables (serverSide) OK on first request, fails with "[Object object"] in request when searching or reordering

I was unable to reproduce using the specified parameters, but think that I may have a workaround anyhow. You can explicitly tell DataTables how to serialize the request data.

For example:

$(document).ready(function () {    $('#mwe_table').DataTable({        processing: true,        serverSide: true,        ajax: {            url: '/client/rou/ajax/mwe',            data: function (d) {                console.log(d); // display all properties to console                return jQuery.param({                    start: d.start,                    length: d.length,                    orderColumn: d.order[0].column,                    orderDir: d.order[0].dir,                    draw: d.draw                });            }        },        "columns": [            { "data": "client_user_id" },            { "data": "status" },            { "data": "lastname" },            { "data": "email_address" },            { "data": "client_id" },            { "data": "last_login" }        ]    });});

Notice that I am selectively sending some parameters by serializing a JavaScript object into application/x-www-form-urlencoded using jQuery.param(). For simplicity, the JavaScript object only has simple properties and no nested objects or arrays. The call to jQuery.param() is probably unnecessary, but I left it in to be explicit.