Embedding bokeh plot and datatable in flask Embedding bokeh plot and datatable in flask flask flask

Embedding bokeh plot and datatable in flask

The way I like to do this is to use the full power of the embed.components method and pass in a dictionary of plot objects and then render them wherever I need in my html template.

I call components as follows:

from bokeh.embed import componentsscript, div_dict = components({"plot": plot, "table": table})

My div_dict looks like this:

# {"plot": plot_div, "table": table_div})

I then pass this dict and the script into my template context and use it something like this:

<body>   {{ plot_div }}   {{ table_div }}   {{ script }}</body>

Here's an example from the bokeh examples: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/blob/master/examples/embed/embed_multiple_responsive.py#L26